Japan Karate Association • WF America

Japan Karate Association • WF America

JKA Tucson is an official member dojo of the Japan Karate Association • World Federation America.

  • The Japan Karate Association • World Federation America (JKA • WF America) upholds the highest standard of Japanese Shotokan karate. One of more than 100-member countries of the Japan Karate Association (JKA), we promote excellence in karate training.
  • JKA • WF America members experience world class instructors, can compete in national and international tournaments, and have fun training with other members in the US and throughout the world.
  • JKA•WF is one of only three organizations within the United States that are officially associated with the Japan Karate Association Headquarters in Japan. They are the only organizations and dojos authorized to use the tradename or trademarks of the “JKA,” or “JKA/WF” or to conduct business as a JKA affiliate including the issuance of JKA rank, JKA qualification licenses, conduct seminars ,camps, or any other official business under the names “JKA” or “JKA/WF”.
  • For more information:

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